First steps

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Scope: This introduction shall give you an overview, of how to access our prototype from the terminal. If you never dealt with REST API calls, we recommend going through this step by step. If you are familiar with REST already or if you just want to use OKAPI without looking at the details, you probably […]

Sign up for free

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To get access to our system, you have to create an account with us. From the beginning, you will have a demo account and can use all functionalities that are currently available for free. To create the account, go to the sign-up page. You only have to do the sign-up once, and confirm your email […]

OKAPI:Orbits: SST as a service

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OKAPI:Orbits is a young spin-off start up from the Institute of Space Systems of the Technische Universität Braunschweig. We provide access to state-of-the-art tools for: Object propagation, including uncertainty propagation, Pass prediction, Initial Orbit Determination (Gibb’s, Herrick-Gibb’s, GTDS), Statistical Orbit Determination (Weighted Least Squares, Extended Kalman Filter, Unscented Kalman Filter), Conjunction analysis, Manoeuvre suggestion (under […]