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The C++ Connector gives you the opportunity to access the OKAPI software from within your own C++ code. We provide you with a connector that includes all essential functions to communicate with the authentication at Auth0 and the calculation server at OKAPI. You can use it as a template for your own code, compile it […]


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You can find the Matlab Connector on Github. The idea of the connector is to facilitate the use of OKAPI’s API in Matlab. It provides general functions to initialize OKAPI in Matlab, send calculation requests and retrieve the results. It furthermore contains a simple error handling, so you are informed in case something goes wrong. […]


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The Java connector gives an easy entry-point to use OKAPI software from within your own code. You can access its source code via Github. Just make sure that you are using the right connector with the right version of OKAPI running on the server. This guide gives you an overview of: How to get and […]


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The Python connector gives an easy entry-point to use OKAPI software from within your own python code. We recommend using the package provided via PyPI (see below), as this is updated with every release of OKAPI and actively maintained. If you prefer building your own code, you find the complete source code of the connector […]