
OKAPI:Orbits @ SpaceOps 2018

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A big conference program regarding spacecraft operations awaited in Marseille at the biennial SpaceOps Conference 28 May to 01 July 2018. I was thrilled to attend it for OKAPI. It was kind of a short-term decision, but I was able to find accomodation nonetheless (thank you, AirBnB!). So, there I was, near Marseille‘s port within […]

Team Spirit

OKAPI:Orbits makes 1st place @ Startup Weekend

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The team got busy on the weekend of April 20th – 22nd . The hard work paid of when the workshop culminated in the PitchNight on April 22nd, where the OKAPI:Orbits team convinced the selection commitee of the vision of a sustainable space environment. As a result the the OKAPI:Orbits team found support with […]